Many buyers are looking beyond China and asking what products people are sourcing products made in The Philippines. Both the trade war with China and the increasingly uncertain global landscape, buyers are searching globally for new sourcing destinations. Buyers, business owners, procurement officers, and more are looking outside China to find alternative sourcing destinations. The Philippines is one of the top choices for many reasons, including its vast manufacturing landscape, native english speakers, and ease of doing business. If you are interested in other countries, check out our guide on the 13 best alternatives to China for Sourcing.
The Philippines is a rising industrial country and home to just over 100 million people. The Philippines is an island country made of over 7,600 islands. The economy of the Philippines is in a transitional phase, also known as a developing country. The GDP was $356.814 billion in 2019, and a GDP per capita was $3,201.71 in 2018. By the end of 2019, only 4.5% of people in the Philippines were unemployed.
The country ranks among the top 50 biggest economies as by nominal GDP. In Asia, the Philippines ranks 13th for the largest economy. In the ASEAN, The Philippines ranks as the 4th largest economy. There are several emerging markets found in the Philippines that are contributing to the significant growth in the country’s economy in just the last few years.
The Philippines exports a significant number of products that manufacturing plants produce locally in the country. The country has significant trade partnerships with China, Japan, and the United States, among others.
List of Products That Are Made In The Philippines
The Philippines have several major industrial sectors that have a great export opportunity. There is also a significant variety of products that companies can import to your country from the Philippines. It includes pre-made products that can be used by retailers and FBA sellers, as well as custom-designed items that help a brand establish a unique trend in its industry.
In 2017, the Philippines exported goods with a total value of $68.712 billion. The figure is increasing on an annual basis.
Clothing, textile, and Apparel Manufacturers in the Philippines
IN 2015, The Philippines exported USD 1.6 billion of clothing and textiles, according to the World Bank. The largest single recipient of these goods was the United States, who imported over 60% of clothing and textiles produced in the Philippines. Europe, Japan, the UK, and South Korea were the other top trading partners.
The Philippines produce a wide array of products, including activewear, formal wear, t-shirts, men’s clothing, women’s clothing, and accessories. Other similar products made in the Philippines, include Cut and sew items, Knit or crochet clothing and other wearable accessories.
In addition to clothing, case goods such as luggage, handbags, purses, wallets, and suitcases are made in the Philippines. The Philippines exported almost $748 Million worth of goods in 2018. This industry is also growing at more than 20% a year.
Electronic Products manufacturers in the Philippines
The Philippines has a large number of electronic manufacturers, with a focus on a wide range of components and devices. Electrical products made in the Philippines include everythin from computer chips, ram, circuit boards, and much more.
Texas Instruments has a manufacturing plant in Baguio, Philippines. The manufacturing facility has been producing electrical components and devices for more than two decades. This facility is the largest manufacturer of DSP chips throughout the entire world. The chips used in the popular Nokia smartphones are all produced at the Baguio manufacturing plant of Texas Instruments.
In Santa Rosa, Laguna, a manufacturing plant, existed that focused on the production of Toshiba laptops. It was until 2005. After 2005, the manufacturing plant turned its focus to the creation of hard disk drives instead. Lexmark, a popular brand of printers, also has a manufacturing plant in Matan, which is part of the Cebu region in the Philippines.
In the Southern Philippines, a large number of other manufacturing plants exist that focus solely on the production of electronic devices, semiconductors, and other electrical components.
Mining materials suppliers in the Philippines
The mining industry in the Philippines is also huge, leading to the wide availability of mining products – ranging from natural gases and oil, all the way to precious metals. Even though there has been a gradual downward trend in the export of mined resources from the Philippines, many countries still rely on the Philippines to source oil, gas, and several other mining-related resources.
Some of the minerals and mining resources found in the Philippines include gold, copper, chromite, palladium, and nickel deposits. Sulfur, gypsum, coal, and silver are also available at high demands from mines throughout the Philippines.
The Philippines also discovered large deposits of marble, phosphate, clay, silica, and even limestone within the country.
Not all of these products form part of the raw material exports from the Philippines. A percentage of the resources taken from mines are still sourced from the Philippines by businesses from other countries. Companies in the Philippines use some of these collected resources domestically to produce particular products. Examples include jewelry and machinery – these, in turn, yields an additional export opportunity for the Philippines.
Aerospace Products Suppliers in the Philippines
Another primary sector that forms part of the Philippine economy would be the manufacturing facilities that focus on the production of aerospace products. It ties in directly with the export market in the Philippines, as these plants often form contracts to produce aerospace products for major companies around the world.
The largest aerospace product manufacturer in the Philippines would be Moog. The base of Moog is in Baguio. They produce a vast range of aircraft parts. Aircraft manufacturers use these parts to build new aircraft and to repair broken ones. Both airbus and Boeing parts are available from these manufacturing plants in the Philippines.
More than $3 billion worth of aerospace products is exported from the Philippines to other countries every year.
Automotive Products
The aerospace sector is not the only big one that has to do with transportation in the Philippines. The country is also proud to be home to several of the top brands in the automotive industry. The Philippines is home to manufacturing plants where cars for brands like Volvo, BMW, and even Mercedes-Benz are produced. Honda, Nissan, and Mitsubishi are also car brands that are produced domestically at manufacturing plants in the Philippines.
There are also several motorcycle manufacturers located in the Philippines. Two popular brand name motorcycles produced in the country include Suzuki and Honda motorcycles.
Mitsubishi has also announced plans to continually increase their involvement in the manufacturing of brand-related automotive products within the Philippines.
Other Products That Are Made In The Philippines
Transportation is an essential sector for the Philippines, with some of the major brands in the transportation industry using manufacturing plants in the country to produce their products. Another primary market for the Philippines would include electronics, along with electrical components.
There are, of course, other sectors that are commonly found in the Philippines too. Many of these can offer resellers an opportunity to gain products to stock at their shop for lower prices than a local manufacturer might charge.
Examples of additional products, apart from those listed above, that can be located in the Philippines, include:
- Clothing
- Garments
- Leather goods
- Cut and sew Items
- Handbags and luggage
- Shipbuilding equipment
- Equipment to repair ships.
- Agricultural products, including coconuts and pineapples
- Rice
Final thoughts of Products made in the Philippines
The Philippines is a country with an economy that is multiplying rapidly. The country exports a wide range of different products, ranging from food items to electronics. While major exports are to the United States, the Philippines also exports to several other countries. Some factories also offer custom manufacturing contracts for brands that require the design of a prototype product.
2 thoughts on “What Products Are Made In The Philippines? // Sourcing and Manufacturing in the Philippines”
I found a metal stand for olives (very ornate) and i was trying to find another one.. made in the Philippines is all the info i have.. It looks like a Michael Aman design but its not. Any one know of a company out there that makes them.?
Looking for Jewelry making components such as Beads, shell components, necklace cords, and metal findings.